Tuesday, June 20, 2006

So, How Much are You Worth?

By Thea Westra

We all have a personal assessment of our own value and sometimes we judge others by similar measures. These may be based on circumstances currently in our lives, the things we have or haven't done in our lives, the things that we do or don't have, or the ways that we do or don't appear to others.

Recently, my mother gave me two tiny clothing tops that she had made when I was less than a few months old. I spotted those cute little tops again this week and it hit me that this larger sized and adult body – this very same body that stands here today – used to fit inside those teensy garments! What I was totally in touch with for that moment was the miracle of that - the transformation of a tiny body into this full-grown body and all the experiences and growth through which this individual had journeyed. Incredible!

Case Study: Ken Calhoun made $98,000 during his first year of business on the Internet... and then tripled his sales to earn over $300,000 last year -- almost all of it profit, all from his beachfront condo in Hawaii. Click here to find out how Ken did it!

A few days later I came across a little story of a well-known speaker who started off his seminar by holding up a $20 bill. To his audience, he asked, "Who would like this $20?" Hands started going up. He said, "I am going to give this money to one of you, but first ..." then he started to crumple the note and asked, "Who still wants it?" Still the hands went up. "Well then…what if I do this?" He dropped the $20 to the stage and ground it into the floor with his shoe. Then he picked it up again, asking, "Now who still wants it?" Again, many hands went into the air. No matter what he did to the money, the audience still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $20.

Had he given the $20 note a pat on the back for a job well done, would that have increased its value?

So, how then can we consider ourselves to be less in value and less worthy, purely because of the kinds of things we haven't done, the things that we don't have, or the ways that we are not pretty? How then can we consider ourselves to be more in value and more worthy, purely because of the kinds of things we have done, the things that we have, or the ways that we look good? Are we nuts? Plus here's a little more humor for you … according to http://www.humanforsale.com/ I am worth $1,269,046!

Consider this. Could you create another "you"? Could Microsoft, Toyota or Sanyo whip up a duplicate of "you"? Will there ever again be another "you"? Was there ever another "you" that walked this planet?

You are invaluable and a treasure just because "you are" and "exactly the way you are". No reasons, justifications and qualifications needed. No adjustments, fixing and changes warranted. Now…walk, act and talk like you know that! "Be" the way a person, who truly believes that, would "be" - just because you can - again, no reasons.

There's a Chinese Proverb that says, "Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are." So go right ahead, give yourself full permission to "just be" and relax a little!
You may now be left with the question, "So why then bother at all with personal growth and making changes to us or our patterns of behavior?" I'll leave that one for a future article.

©Thea Westra is an international life coach who resides in Perth, Western Australia. She publishes a free, monthly e-zine at http://www.forwardsteps.com.au/ and several personal development blogs. Access their links at http://life-wealth.blogspot.com/

All the best...

Anna Phommatham "The Profit Babe",
COO and Co-founder of Cogni360 And Associates
We provide low cost Market Research Services, and
Internet Marketing Training...

Visit me at: Offline Marketing & Advertising.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

How The Secrects To Their Success Site Work?

By Anna Phommatham

Each month, members receive an e-mail, letting them know about two 100% brand new success stories that have been posted to the site.

Members walk away from each interview with an in-depth understanding of the secrets that have made each web site successful... and with a clear picture of how they can apply these same strategies and tools to build their own fortune.

As well, members are given the opportunity to enter a draw for a review of their web site or business plan by Derek, Corey, and the IMC team (valued at $5,000), who dissect the site and offer tips and tricks that the web site owner can use to really accelerate their growth and sales.

Even if a member's site isn't chosen for a site review, however, they still get the benefit of seeing all of the profitable suggestions that Derek and the IMC team make because all reviews are also posted and archived within the Secrets to Their Success Private Web Site.

All the best...

Anna Phommatham "The Profit Babe",
COO and Co-founder of Cogni360 And Associates
We provide low cost Market Research Services, and
Internet Marketing Training...

Visit me at: Offline Marketing & Advertising.

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