Wednesday, May 03, 2006

How The Secrects To Their Success Site Work?

By Anna Phommatham

Each month, members receive an e-mail, letting them know about two 100% brand new success stories that have been posted to the site.

Members walk away from each interview with an in-depth understanding of the secrets that have made each web site successful... and with a clear picture of how they can apply these same strategies and tools to build their own fortune.

As well, members are given the opportunity to enter a draw for a review of their web site or business plan by Derek, Corey, and the IMC team (valued at $5,000), who dissect the site and offer tips and tricks that the web site owner can use to really accelerate their growth and sales.

Even if a member's site isn't chosen for a site review, however, they still get the benefit of seeing all of the profitable suggestions that Derek and the IMC team make because all reviews are also posted and archived within the Secrets to Their Success Private Web Site.

All the best...

Anna Phommatham "The Profit Babe",
COO and Co-founder of Cogni360 And Associates
We provide low cost Market Research Services, and
Internet Marketing Training...

Visit me at: Offline Marketing & Advertising.

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